The high gloss film is a decorative PVC film for surface design applications. The surface effect is crystal and bright, the texture is gorgeous, and it is very three-dimensional, not easy to change color. It can be applied in many ways, such as using vacuum press technology or using flat lamination technology. It has impressive flexibility and mechanical characteristics, and can be adapted to the intended use.
Aplicacións: Mobles, portas interiores, armarios de cociña, armarios de baño.
Material: PVC
Tipo de procesamento: Prensa de baleiro, laminación plana
Propiedades: Resistencia a manchas, resistencia mecánica, maleable
Superficie de aplicación: MDF, MLB, aglomerado.Taboleiro de escuma
Espesor: 0,30 mm, 0,35 mm, 0,40 mm
Ancho: 1400 mm
Lonxitude do rolo: 100 metros lineais
MOQ 1000 metros lineais

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